marathon to ultra-trail
running Asia
running Asia
In SE Asia there are many running opportunities and events. When on holiday you can combine your trip with one of these challenging events. Some are located in the cities while others are on beautiful islands or in the wild nature Asia has to offer.
Running is a great sport. It can be practiced almost anywhere and anytime. Little equipment is required. Many people don’t understand why we run. Some of us run to loose weight and others to beat records. While others just do it because they can and love it. No matter your motivation, join us on running events throughout SE Asia.
If you are coming from a temperate or cold climate, the biggest challenge for you will be the temperature here. So if you are from a place like that, or even worse you are coming from winter back home, you need to acclimatize first.
There are 2 kinds of acclimatization’s. The first of course is altitude and the other temperature/humidity. If you are taking part of a big race make sure to come at least a few weeks before the event to train at your destination. The heat and humidity can be overwhelming. Make sure you are hydrated and train early in the morning to avoid the heat wave. Make a few training session in the late afternoon when you feel ready. Then it has cooled down a little. This way you will make your body stronger for the main event. Fortunately most events are early in the morning.
If the race you are joining is at altitude, the acclimatization period will be longer. First your body needs to undergo a normal acclimatization; this is best done through a trek. Travel to the maximum altitude the race will reach in small steps. This will help you avoid altitude illness, but to reach maximum performance will take longer. A good rule of thumb is to only increase the sleeping altitude by 300m every night over 3050m. Then take a brake every 2 or 3 days by sleeping at the same altitude. A golden rule is to”climb high and sleep low”.
There are all kinds of events to be found. Ranging from “fun runs” too ultra-marathons. Dates to these evens you can find on these pages justrunlah and gorunasia. If you are into trail running you can find the events here asiatrailmaster.
In future blogs we will take part and talk about some of these great events. Recently we have run at a mini-marathon in Trang province (Thailand) and on the island Koh Phayam (Thailand). Read about them in our blog.
But please stay tuned for important upcoming events and more running adventures in our blog….
Don’t just chase your dreams!!!!
Run them down!!!!!